Children at Little Trinity Nursery in Kidderminster were delighted when the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Fire Service dropped in to say hello.
Gaynor Carter, Nursery Manager, said: “One of our parents Mr Phillips is a fire officer at our local Fire Station and offered to bring the fire engine along to the nursery so of course we jumped at the chance as the children gain so much from these types of hands-on learning experiences and provided a fantastic opportunity to incorporate their visit into our ongoing work on all things safety.”
As the engine came down the drive with sirens sounding the children were immediately filled with great excitement which only grew as they then looked around the engine cab and explored the types of equipment kept and what they could be used for. They asked lots of questions and were all allowed to try on helmets and coats, and handled some of the safer equipment before the fire hoses were unreeled and the fun of aiming the hose and watching the water shooting out!
Added Gaynor: “Wow, what an amazing experience for us all. Thank you, Mr Phillips and the fire officers, for coming, and for the balloons and goody bags filled with safety information, as well as the key rings and other small mementos they gave the children.
“When they left, they put the engine's flashing lights on and sirens. What a simply fantastic afternoon!”